My Projects

Create Long term strategy document

Status: Cancelled

Submitted: 03/07/18  ? By:       Location: Facility       Category: Computer

Assigned:   ? To: Unassigned       Priority: Low       ETA:

Skills Taught:   Documentation

Detailed Description (What):

Create a single unified document (online) that documents a vision and 5 year strategy for layouts and modelling efforts.
Document should take in the following info:
Bylaws mission statement
Real estate 5 year plans
Fundraising and community engagement plans.
Document should address all existing and potential future modelling efforts in any scale, but in particular N and HO.

Topics this document might cover are prototype vs. Freelance efforts, layout replacement strategy, How we use our modelling assets to fulfill our Bylaws mission statement.

Reason(s) (Why):

Currently the club does not do a particularly good job of long term planning. As we move to get more fundraising and better engagement, it’s critical that we have a well articulated vision for what we want to do and be from a modelling perspective. Many topics come up such as modelling more prototype scenes to spark local interest or improve/replace layout for better operations and similar topics. This document would provide a certain structure to these suggestions.

This is a document that could be shared with potential donors and partners so they can see what we intend to do.


The document should not be overly restrictive or have too many rules, but should serve as a guide for our thinking on planning.

Imagine this would be written by a subcommittee or the planning committee and go through full club approval.
Perhaps a bylaws change requiring a strategy document?

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Model Railroads